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Faculty Staff Global Experience Program Proposal

General Proposal Guidelines and Timelines

If you are a faculty looking to develop a new Global Exchange Program or request your program run again, the proposal process and timelines for development can vary from one type of opportunity to the next. Generally speaking, proposals pitched will be considered and a decision will be made by the Global Experiences Team at the outset of each fiscal year (April 1- March 30) on which opportunities can be greenlit and which need more development or need to be shelved for another cycle.

There are a variety of factors that contribute to this decision: adequate timelines; overall budgeting allocations; sustainable program design; equitable distribution of opportunities across schools and across faculty; alignment with Global Experience learning outcomes; and risk and safety considerations are some of the deciding factors. 

All new and recurring Faculty-led programs Global Experiences Faculty and Staff must gain Associate Dean approval and make a formal proposal via our online application form. This will be sent directly to the proposal lead when emailed confirmation of Associate Approval as been sent to the Global Experience team. This can be as simple as just copying the Assoc. Dean's email when asking for the Proposal link. 

Timelines by Program Type 

Faculty-Led International Programs, New Outbound Exchange or International Internship options and Applied Research Abroad Programs
These programs take between 6-9 months of preparation for recurring programs and 9-15 months of preparation needed for NEW program proposals. A RECURRING Proposal is one what we have run before. All programs must be proposed annually as we allocate funding based on proposals we've received. There are no GE programs that automatically renew.  

FALL Semester Deadlines
For NEW programs the Proposal form is due Oct 15
For RECURRING programs the Proposal form is due Feb 15

WINTER Semester Deadlines
For NEW programs the Proposal form is due Feb 15
For RECURRING programs the Proposal form is due March 15

SUMMER Semester Deadlines

For NEW programs the Proposal form is due March 15
For RECURRING programs the Proposal form is due October 15

All Faculty-Lead will know if their program is approved by: April 30 

Programs that celebrate Indigenous Perspectives 

All programs that centre on Indigeneity, focus on Indigenous perspectives or collaborate with Indigenous peoples require an added layer of review and approvals from the Eighth Fire and Global Experiences. Students must also take additional pre-departure training to participate in the experience. Please add an additional month for this into your proposal timeline. 

Conference & Competitions - Propose as they come up
Often our Faculty and Staff find conferences or are invited to participate in competitions that related to their academic program. If the intention of participation is to attend only, and there is no formal learning component built into these programs then they are simpler to propose and approve and therefore they can be  proposed at any point in the year - so long as there is a planning window of at least 2-3 months for advertising, student selection and coordinating the logistics prior to departure. Destination and timing are the most important considerations for approvals as these bear impact on the funding from the college and the ability for students to participate if there is a lengthy visa process. 

COIL - Virtual Exchange - Propose as they come up
In building out a COIL- VE program we are often collaborating with our Institutional partners closely in the process and so these can take between 6 months to a year to build before execution. Please indicate if this is a virtual program in the proposal form. 

There is a separate proposal form and process for establishing COIL - VE's visit our page on this site to learn more

Outbound Exchange Programs, International Internship, Global Capstone Options
In proposing a new outbound exchange or International Internship for your program or course there can be a lot of academic collaboration with our partner institutions to develop aligned model routes. Sometimes these programs start off as COIL-VEs and then build toward a reciprocal exchange. We ask that all Outbound Exchanges for the next academic year are proposed with the same time frame as our FLIP/ARAP programs. 

For more information or to bounce ideas please reach out to one of the Global Experience Team at